Vesting Schedule

Creator Token Grant, Founding Team, and Advisory tokens are distributed to respective parties according to a traditional vesting schedule. Token issuance and vesting halt once the total allocated portions for each party are fully distributed. If these allocations are fully utilized – the circulating supply equals the total allocated supply for a particular holder group – there are scenarios in which the specified vesting schedule will lengthen, maintaining ownership allocations across the DAO lifespan. For instance, if the Founding Team or Advisory members were to use 1,000,000 tokens to vote on projects, there will be additional vesting quarters that will distribute these tokens accordingly. The maximum amount of vested tokens per quarter are outlined in the vesting schedule. Once tokens are vested, they can never be traded or transferred unless explicitly approved by a majority vote of the Founding Team exclusive of the party in question.

  1. 1.5% of the total 18,000,000 Creator Token Grant allocated tokens are issued to digital creators and artists on a quarterly basis, starting at GORJS launch. All token holders will have the future opportunity to vote and determine which digital artists will receive Creator Token Grants. Creator Token Grants are distributed to artists invited by the Founding Team and rewarded to creators who have successfully launched NFT projects through the DAO. The 1.5% is a soft allocation, meaning that more or less creator grants can be given at the discretion of the Founding Team.

    • Estimated distribution of ~270,000 tokens on average per quarter

  2. 6.5% of the 10,000,000 Founding Team allocated tokens are issued to members of the NYX Professional Makeup & L’Oreal management teams on a quarterly basis, starting at GORJS launch.

    • Estimated distribution of ~650,000 tokens on average per quarter

  3. 4% of the 10,000,000 Advisory allocated tokens are issued to GORJS advisors on a quarterly basis, starting at GORJS launch.

    • Estimated distribution of ~400,000 tokens on average per quarter

Last updated